Thursday, March 4, 2021

Organic Bona Vita Spirulina

Php299.00 lang per bottle ,100 Tablets , 250mg. PROMO: Buy 5 get 1 free!@Php1,500.00 only! SPIRULINA BENEFITS: ✅Almuranas/HighBlood/Buko/Diabetes ✅Gawing normal ang Cholesterol ✅Palabasin ang dumi at toxins sa ating katawan na naka imbak sa ating colon. ✅Tulungan tayong maging regular ang ating pag dumi. ✅Tulungan maging normal ang ating blood sugar & blood pressure. ✅Maiwasan ang UTI, Acid Reflux/Heart Burn, Gerd, Ulcer. ✅Improves menstruation. ✅Masolusyunan ang bad breath and body odor. ✅Maiwasan ang di kanais nais na karamdaman dulot ng maruming bituka at madamin pang iba... You can Purchase in our Lazada Page Or Message us form here/ Follow us at Lazada

Sunday, July 26, 2020

How to be a Reseller

How to Be a Reseller ?
Start your own Business Now ! @ Minimal Capital , Home based Business ! Online or Offline Marketing will do ! Call us Now ! We are willing to help you !
How to become a Reseller ?

Legit Reseller : Buy 20 Bxs of Products @ Php3,000.00 ( Mix Products : Coffee , Choco Drinks , Grape seed & Organic fertilizer )

1. Benefits : 25% discount from SRP Price which is Php200.00 @ minimum purchase of 20 Bxs of any mix products ( Coffee , Choco , Grape Seed and Fertilizer )

2. Benefits : 30% discount from SRP Price which is Php200.00 @ minimum purchase of 50 Bxs of any mix products ( Coffee , Choco , Grape Seed and Fertilizer )

3. Benefits : 35% discount from SRP Price which is Php200.00 @ minimum purchase of 100 Bxs of any mix products ( Coffee , Choco , Grape Seed and Fertilizer )

Benefits of a Reseller  :
As our Reseller we will help you in Promoting your Bona Vita Business from the following :
1.    We will teach you on how to do your Online Business.
2.    We will give you referrals from the customers  who are buying from us in your area. To save delivery time and Shipping fee from us.
3.    We will give you free technical support on how to maximize your income in Bona Vita.
4.    We will give you Free delivery from all of your minimum Repurchase Orders.

For more details on our Products please visit our page

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Bona Vita 8 in 1 Chocolate Drink


Moringa Oleifera1. Moringa Oleifera is Very Nutritious
The leaves are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. One cup of fresh, chopped leaves (21 grams) contains the following:
46 Antioxidants
36 Anti-Inflammatories
Omegas 3, 6 and 9
20 Amino Acids including 9 essential Amino Acids our bodies don’t produce
In all, over 90 verifiable, positive health benefits
2. Moringa Oleifera is Rich in Antioxidants
3. Moringa Oleifera May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Guyabano is known to being rich in vitamin C and B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, but here is a fuller list of what the fruit has to offer.
Vitamin C, Iron, Riboflavin, Phosphorus, Thiamine, Calcium, Carbohydrates, Niacin and Fiber 

Mangosteen is good source of vitamin C and provides about 12% of RDA per 100 g. Vitamin-C is a powerful water soluble anti-oxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin-C helps human body develop resistance against viral-flu and help scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free-radicals. 
MANGOSTEEN fruit is a moderate source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folates. These vitamins are acting as cofactors the help body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats. 
Further, it also contains a very good amount of minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids and helps control heart rate, and blood pressure, thus, it offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases. 

Chlorella is famous for providing a vast array of benefits while fighting numerous diseases and conditions. Vitamins. Chlorella is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. And chlorella provides these nutrients in a whole food bundle which is far superior to any manufactured formula. Minerals. chlorella is packed with highly beneficial magnesium, which improves blood sugar levels, heart health, mental health and relaxation. Chlorella also contains other minerals like potassium, iron and calcium. Amino Acids. Chlorella is a rich source of protein with a balance of important amino acids responsible for rebuilding the body’s lean tissues and neurotransmitters, and contribute greatly to many functions in the body. Chlorophyll. This green pigment not only gives chlorella its color, but it also provides many health benefits. Chlorophyll can improve immunity, alkalinity, and inflammation. Detoxification. Chlorella has an amazing ability to bind with toxins like chemicals and heavy metals, and move them swiftly out of the body. Energy. A nourished, healthy body is full of energy and vitality. Many people report increased energy and elevated mood after using chlorella. Digestion. Chlorella promotes the production of healthy flora, bacteria and probiotics throughout the digestive system. This is essential for good digestion and overall health, and also makes chlorella effective for fighting candida and yeast overgrowth. Its anti-inflammatory benefits can also work to heal the digestive system.

 BACOPA * Bacopa supports the mind, intelligent & mental acuity; * Bacopa supports the physiological processes involved in relaxation; * Bacopa imporves mental clarity and longevity; * Bacopa has been used historically as a potent nerve tonic; * Bacopa confirms its cognitive effects, specifically memory, learning and concentration; * This herb is used to enhance the process of learning asnd ease mental strain; * This herb induces a sense of calm and peace of mind while facilitating concentration by stimulating neural activity; * BACOPA is actually given to infant starting in their first month of to encourage optimal brain development; * Bacopa reduces anxiety and restlessness; * Bacopa helps to reduce age-related senility.

Buy now in our Online Shop, Door to Door Delivery via Lazada COD

Monday, August 28, 2017

Bona Vita 8 in 1 Coffee

Moringa Oleifera1. Moringa Oleifera is Very Nutritious
The leaves are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. One cup of fresh, chopped leaves (21 grams) contains the following:
46 Antioxidants
36 Anti-Inflammatories
Omegas 3, 6 and 9
20 Amino Acids including 9 essential Amino Acids our bodies don’t produce
In all, over 90 verifiable, positive health benefits
2. Moringa Oleifera is Rich in Antioxidants
3. Moringa Oleifera May Lower Blood Sugar Levels


Acai berries can be a tremendously healthy addition to your diet, and helps to increase heart health, aids in weight loss, as well as aiding in health issues relating to your skin, digestion, allergies, immune system, and energy levels. Furthermore, research has shown it to be one of the best sources of antioxidants, an aphrodisiac, a brain booster, and a great weapon against premature aging, cancer, and unexplained fatigue or exhaustion. Overall, this miraculous little berry can have a huge impact on your health and happiness!


GANODERMA - Immune-stimulation provides relief from sleeplessness, alleviates anxiety,  pain and headaches, slows the aging process, helps prolong human life, detoxifies the body, reduces   blood   pressure,   eliminates   inflammation,   prevents   cancer,   improves cognitive ability, elevates energy level, To treat HIV and AIDS, To treat fatigue, To reduce inflammation, To treat lower urinary tract symptoms  … and MORE!   - WIN THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER!​


Guyabano is known to being rich in vitamin C and B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, but here is a fuller list of what the fruit has to offer.
Vitamin C, Iron, Riboflavin, Phosphorus, Thiamine, Calcium, Carbohydrates, Niacin and Fiber


Mangosteen is good source of vitamin C and provides about 12% of RDA per 100 g. Vitamin-C is a powerful water soluble anti-oxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin-C helps human body develop resistance against viral-flu and help scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free-radicals.
MANGOSTEEN fruit is a moderate source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folates. These vitamins are acting as cofactors the help body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats.
Further, it also contains a very good amount of minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids and helps control heart rate, and blood pressure, thus, it offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases.

Bona Vita Grape Seed Oil Extract

Studies suggest that Grape Seed Oil and its Extract constitute anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-histamine, anti-aging, anti-allergic, antimicrobial, and adaptogenic activity. Therefore, it has been beneficial in the treatment of a number of health issues which include: arthritis, edema, dermatitis, acne, wrinkles, dry and itchy skin, age spots, sun burns, chapped lips, wounds, bruising, stretch marks, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, chronic venous insufficiency, premature aging, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), weight loss, stress, dandruff, hair loss, warts, cardiovascular diseases especially atherosclerosis, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, visual impairment, cataract, and macular degeneration. Studies also suggest that its free radical scavenging activity may strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Uses of Grape Seed Oil
Acne and Dermatitis
Research suggests that the linoleic acid in Grape Seed Oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergen, acne reductive, and moisture retentive properties. It contains 73% of linoleic acid which may be beneficial in the treatment of acne, dermatitis, allergic reactions, atopic eczema and dry and itchy skin. A simple remedy for these skin conditions is to apply Grape Seed Oil onto the affected skin 2-3 times daily. Regular oral intake of Grape Seed Extract supplements can also add to the benefits.
Age Spots and Sun Burn
The rich nutrients in Grape Seed extract have been found to protect against UV radiation, and they have been found to lighten the effects on age spots and pigmented skin caused by ultra violet rays. Threfore simply taking Grapeseed supplements daily may heal and minimize the risk of sunburn and reduce the appearance of age spots. Applying a small amount of Grape Seed Oil onto affected skin areas can also be beneficial.
Cancer Prevention
A few studies suggest that regular oral intake of Grape Seed Extract may suppress the development of different types of cancers and may induce apoptosis - a process that triggers the self-destruction and elimination of damaged and superfluous cells in many cellular systems. Therefore, taking one Grapeseed capsule two to three times daily may be helpful as a preventive measure for people who are at a high risk of the disease. It may also help with liver damage and other side effects caused by chemotherapy medication.
A number of intensive studies have shown that oral intake of linoleic acid can reduce the complications associated with Diabetes. Therefore, regular consumption of Grape Seed Extract, which is rich in linoleic acid and other antiglycemic components, may help with diabetes and visual impairment in diabetics. A recommendation is to take one Grapeseed capsule twice daily.
Varicose veins, spider veins and hemorrhoids are caused by damaged blood vessels and compromise the ability of the capillaries to manage blood flow in the veins, which results in pooling of the blood inside the veins. Grapeseed Oil contains oligomeric proanthocyanidin and flavonoids, which are known to help with capillary integrity. Therefore, taking one Grape Seed Extract capsule twice daily may be beneficial for damaged vessels, impaired capillary valves and poor blood circulation that cause hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
High Blood Pressure
Recent research has shown that Grape Seed may improve damaged blood vessels and help regulate high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Therefore, taking one capsule of Grapeseed Extract daily may help improve cardiovascular health.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Studies have shown that Grape Seed Oil may improve the production of collagen which is important for maintaining healthy connective tissues in our joints. Its anti-inflammatory activity may also reduce the pain caused by arthritis. A simple remedy is to start taking 1 teaspoon of Grape Seed Oil daily on an empty stomach for 7 days and then reduce the amount to 1/2 teaspoon daily on an empty stomach.
Wrinkles and Stretch Marks
Studies have shown that the antioxidant activity of Grape Seed Extract may reduce the damage to skin cells and enhance the production of collagen and elastin which is important for strong and healthy looking skin. Therefore taking Grapeseed supplements daily may help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks, and saggy skin. A suggested remedy is to also apply Grapeseed Oil onto the affected skin daily overnight. Alternatively, one to two drops of Grape Seed Oil can be added to your face moisturizer to enhance its effectiveness.
What are the Side Effects of Grape Seed Oil?
There are not any reported side effects or drug interactions with Grape Seed Extract when taken in moderation. The FDA has issued the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) certification for Grape Seed Extract. However, an overdose of Grape Seed Extract may cause headache, nausea, dizziness and abdominal pain. As with any dietary oil, do not take more than the recommended dose of Grape Seed Oil because it may lead to diarrhea and soft stools. Do not take Grape Seed products if you are allergic to grapes. Additionally, if you are being treated for heart conditions, or are taking any cholesterol or blood pressure lowering medications or blood thinners, consult your doctor and regulate your cholesterol and blood pressure levels when using Grape Seed Oil or its Extract for therapeutic purposes. Grape Seed Oil is not recommended for cooking since it has a high concentration of polyunsaturated fat. Oils with high polyunsatured fat tend to quickly undergo oxidation when exposed to heat, which can cause the oil to become rancid.
Where and How to Buy Grape Seed Oil
Grape Seed Extract is available at most herbal food and drug stores. It can be purchased in the form of capsules, tablets, oil and powder. When buying Grape Seed Oil, look for cold-pressed organic oil since it retains most of the natural beneficial ingredients compared to the chemically pressed oils

Buy Now in our Online Shop at Lazada , Door to Door Delivery

Bona Vita Organic Fertilizer

Bona Vita Soil Conditioner can be used as:

1) Fertilizer Enhancer (Mix with Chemical Fertilizer)
==> The purpose of mixing Bona Vita Soil Conditioner to chemical fertilizer is to maximize the effects by which it magnetizes and retains the nutrients continually, reducing the effects of Volatilization and Leaching.
==> The second purpose is to control the adapting changes in the soil and the growth of plants. If your farm has been bombarded with chemical fertilizers for longer times (years), we don’t advise to go 100% organic and stop the use of chemical fertilizers because the soil is still under going acid neutralization; crops may not endure the changes that crop’s growth might be affected.
==> Mix 1 to 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner in one sack or bag of chemical fertilizer
==> Every cropping, reduce 50% of the chemical fertilizer you used from previous cropping.
Ex: Rice plant farm
Last cropping: 10 sacks of chemical fertilizer per hectare
Application with Bona Vita Soil Conditioner: Reduce 10 sacks into 6 sacks only per hectare. 6 sacks of chemical fertilizer, and 6 – 12 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner must be used ( 1 to 2 sachets per bag x 6 sacks).
Next cropping: Reduce 6 sacks into 4 sacks only per hectare. 4 sacks of chemical fertilizer, and 4 – 8 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner must be used ( 1 to 2 sachets per bag x 4 sacks).
Next cropping: Reduce 4 sacks into 2 sacks only per hectare. 2 sacks of chemical fertilizer, and 2 – 4 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner must be used ( 1 to 2 sachets per bag x 2 sacks).
Next cropping: Reduce 2 sacks into 1 sacks only per hectare. 1 sack of chemical fertilizer, and 1 – 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner must be used ( 1 to 2 sachets per bag x 1 sacks).
At this procedure, you can use 1 sack of chemical fertilizer per hectare and increase the use of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner. You can mix 2 to 3, or 3 to 4 sachets per bag of chemical fertilizer. Until you can completely reduce chemical fertilizer and use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner instead and go organic 100%, but you should use it as a foliar fertilizer (Spraying procedure)
Note: As you can see here, you are actually reducing your expenses every cropping and turning your crops gradually into 100% organic. Amazing!

2) Foliar Fertilizer
==> In a knapsack sprayer, or power sprayer, a 16 – liter of water must be mixed with 1 to 2 tablespoons of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner.
==> To do this to reduce the hassle, you can pour the contents of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner in a jar or a sealed container so that you it’s easy for you to spoon Bona Vita Soil Conditioner powders.
==> Or the easier way, you can mix 1 to 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner to a 200 – liter tank or container. Then, you can fill each knapsack sprayer with this concoction and use it as a foliar fertilizer.
==> Recommendation: 1 to 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner is good for one hectare of spray.
==> Application depends on your own farming system. If you are doing foliar application chemical fertilizer by 50% every cropping, four times or two times a month, just substitute Bona Vita Soil Conditioner to the chemical foliar fertilizers you are using.
==> At this procedure, you must reduce the application of

Ex: Rice plant farm
Last cropping: 10 sacks of chemical fertilizer per hectare
Bona Vita Soil Conditioner as Foliar Fertilizer: Reduce 10 sacks into 6 sacks only per hectare. 6 sacks of chemical fertilizer, and 1 – 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner per one hectare of spray must be used.
Next cropping: Reduce 6 sacks into 4 sacks only per hectare. 4 sacks of chemical fertilizer, and 1 – 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner per one hectare of spray must be used.
Next cropping: Reduce 4 sacks into 2 sacks only per hectare. 2 sacks of chemical fertilizer, and 1 – 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner per one hectare of spray must be used.
Next cropping: Reduce 2 sacks into 1 sacks only per hectare. 1 sack of chemical fertilizer, and 1 – 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner per one hectare of spray must be used.
At this procedure, you can use 1 sack of chemical fertilizer per hectare and increase the use of  Bona Vita Soil Conditioner. You can use 2 to 3 or 3 to 4  Bona Vita Soil Conditioner sachets per one hectare of spray. There is no over dosage of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner. Spraying must be done every 4 am to 7 am or 5pm to 7pm so that the nutrients directly entered the plant through the stomata in the leaves (Stomata opens during this times). Until such time you can completely reduce chemical fertilizer and use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner instead and go organic 100%, but you should use it as a foliar fertilizer (Spraying procedure)
Note: As you can see here, you are actually reducing your expenses every cropping and turning your crops gradually into 100% organic. Amazing!

3) Watering Application
==> This procedure is good for fruit trees, crop trees, fruit plants, root crops and vegetables.
==> Dilute 1 to 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner in a 200 – liter tank or container. Water the plants using this concoction.

==> For Fruit Trees/Crop Trees:
Estimate the size of the tree. If the tree is still young and small, water it at least 1 liter of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner, directly to the plant or soil.
If the tree is full grown (3 years old and up), you must dig some holes or create a canal surrounding the trunk. The distance between the holes or canal, and the trunk of the tree must be between 0.5 meter and 1 meter, you estimate. Then pour 5 to 6 liters of the concoction of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner to the holes or to the canal.

==> For fruit plants, root crops, and vegetables:
Use this application and directly water the concoction of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner to the plants or spray it. Spraying must be done every 4 am to 7 am or 5pm to 7pm so that the nutrients directly entered the plant through the stomata in the leaves (Stomata opens during this times).
==> Application must be every two weeks. If the crops are destroyed by drought, pests or diseases, you can use this application every week or twice a week until the destruction ceases.

4) Soaking
If you have a concoction of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner, you can soak the seeds/seedlings of your crop to the concoction for 24 hours or 48 hours. Bona Vita Soil Conditioner hastens the growth of the seeds/seedlings from soaking until harvesting time.
But don’t throw the concoction after the procedure of soaking, it can still be used.

5) Seed Coating
If you are growing plants from seeds, you can mix and coat the seeds with Bona Vita Soil Conditioner powder. Just pour the contents of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner to the jar, and put the seeds and mix them and coat them with the powders. This process improves the germination and the growth of the seeds.

6) Land Preparation
Bona Vita Soil Conditioner can be used during land preparation. You can spray, or wet the soil or land using the concoction of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner. This process rehabilitates the soil, improves soil fertility, supplies complete nutrients, and neutralizes the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of the soil.

How to Use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner to Crops

1) For main crops like rice, wheat, barley, corn etc:
==> For Optimum results, use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner as a sprayer during land preparation. Use 1 to 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner per one hectare of spray during land preparation, so that the soil will be replenished with complete nutrients and will be greatly fertilized.
==> You can use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner as foliar fertilizer. Bona Vita Soil Conditioner being foliar fertilizer is the best option.
==> If you are using your own technique in your farm, just substitute Bona Vita Soil Conditioner to the chemical foliar fertilizers you are using.
==> You can also use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner as a fertilizer enhancer.

2) For crop trees/fruit trees:
==> You can use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner as a fertilizer enhancer or as watering application.

3) For vegetables/fruit plants/root crops:
==> You can use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner as a fertilizer enhancer, foliar fertilizer or water application. It depends on you. Don’t change your farming system/technique, just substitute Bona Vita Soil Conditioner to the chemicals you are using.

4) For Flowers/Ornamental Plants:
==> You can use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner as a watering application.
==> If the plant is starting to bear flowers, be advised. Never spray Bona Vita Soil Conditioner or water it to the flowers. It may cause discolorations to flowers because Bona Vita Soil Conditioner directly enters the plants or flowers. You can water or spray on the soil directly to avoid it.

5) For Fish Ponds
==> Drain the water from your fish pond.
==> Use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner and spray 1 to 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner mixed in a 200 – liter tank or container, to the land or soil, per one hectare. If your pond is less than one hectare, you estimate. Take note, there is no over dosage of using Bona Vita Soil Conditioner, the more, the better. It depends on your budgeting. Just spray the land of your drained fish pond using the concoction of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner ==> After 4 to 6 days, when you notice some growth of earthworms or some weeds, use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner again as a spraying procedure.
==> Then after 1 day, you can now fill your pond with water, and breed your fishes.
==> After a week or so, use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner and broadcast it (never mix with water) to the sides of your pond (at least 1 to 2 sachets). You can do this broadcasting technique every month or twice a month, and you’ll see the changes. The ponds turns green and greener gradually because algae is now growing to the pond; by which algae is the natural food of fishes.
Note: You will minimize cost and maximize profit at the end, and the size and the weight of your output will not be compared with the once reared in a concrete or mobile pond.

The Dont’s in Using Bona Vita Soil Conditioner

==> If you will use a herbicide or pesticide, you must first use the chemical before Bona Vita Soil Conditioner. This technique fertilizes the soil that had been currently destroyed by chemical herbicide/pesticide. If you use the herbicide today, use Bona Vita Soil Conditioner as a sprayer after 1 or 2 days.
==> If you will use a knapsack sprayer by way Bona Vita Soil Conditioner, we advise you to buy a new one, or wash the container several times. The knapsack sprayer you have, has chemical residuals because it has been used with chemical foliar fertilizers lately.
==> 1 to 2 sachets of Bona Vita Soil Conditioner is suited for a 200 – liter concoction. Minimizing the protocol will delay its effect or result; It is better if you maximize the protocol (5 to 6 sachets in a 200 – liter concoction).
==> If you’re using Bona Vita Soil Conditioner as a foliar fertilizer, spraying must be done every 4 am to 7 am or 5pm to 7pm so that the nutrients directly entered the plant through the stomata in the leaves (Stomata opens during this times).